Concept Maps for Design Thinking

04.2016 / boston

“a typeface is a representation of a representation of a representation of a representaion”

as argued by Hugh Dubberly, who instructed the Design Critical Thinking course in the spring of 2016, design is not merely aesthetical, but also technological and political. The meanings we constructed and exchange are not self-evident but rely on our mental models of the physical/substantial/material world. Thus, the study of design is essentially a study of sign and representation.

This collection of concept maps is my version of abstraction for several readings that foster design critical thinking.

The Theory of Sign / Charles Peirce conceptMaps

Course in General Linguistic / Ferdubabd De Saussaure conceptMaps

The Mathmatic Theory for Communication / Claude E Shannon conceptMaps

The Theory of Affordance / Gibson conceptMaps

Social Study of Sciense / Star and Griesemer conceptMaps

Conceptual Model and It's Structure / Johnson and Henderson conceptMaps

Models for the Synthesis of Form / Christopher Alexander conceptMaps

Bridge Model and SECI Model / Evenson, Dubberly, and Robinson conceptMaps

The Sciences of Artificial conceptMaps

Different Models of Design Process conceptMaps